Cleaning cost
For utility-scale PV power plants. During design and Operation.
- Determine cost-optimal cleaning schedule
- Compare tractors, robots and manual cleaning, wet and dry
- Evaluate offers from equipment suppliers and service providers
Reduce the total cost of cleaning
Develop up to 8% more profitable projects
- Compare all possible options: tractor plus brush, semi and fully-autonomous cleaning robots, dry and wet.
- Decide whether you should buy, rent or contract a cleaning service.
- Calculate the effect of cleaning on monthly average soiling loss factors used in the yield estimation.
Optimize cleaning schedules
Reduce cleaning cost by 25%
- Cleaning is an investment. Avoid unnecessary cost by cleaning only when it is worth the cost.
- Decide how often and when to clean based on site specific historic precipitation patterns.
- Understand the potential benefit of investing into a soiling measurement system and adapting the cleaning strategy during operation.
Compare offers for equipment and services
Improve your negotiation position
- Check any claim made by a cleaning service or technology provider for a specific project.
- Compare offers from cleaning machinery and cleaning service providers based on the lifetime benefit and total cost of ownership.
- Build a database with validated assumptions for technical parameters and prices to use as reference for future projects.